Note To Self: API Change rolled out a new API server. Eventually, the old server will shut down. This will effect MySQLicious. If the old URL was: the new URL will be: Note: The use of https (for secure connections) The new server name The addition of a version number where the /api/ used to be

Why I Listen

Thank you, Jason Calacanis, for helping me realize why I listen to the Gillmor Gang podcast despite the many things I dislike about it. What I don’t like: six minutes of introductory commercials; conversations that meander down dead ends; the sound quality; Steve Gillmor bullying the other Gangsters. (Maybe bullying isn’t the right word, and… Continue reading Why I Listen

So Popular

Wow! I have been busy with other things for a while, so I’ve been letting this site stagnate. Haven’t checked the moderation queue for a while, etc. And what a shame! Look at some of the hundreds of great comments I had waiting for me: "So interesting site, thanks!" — "Best site I see.… Continue reading So Popular

Optimal OPML Browser Update v. 0.4pre1

I’m still working on a significant rewrite of my OPML browser, Optimal, but I’ve decided to release the current working version in the meantime because it addresses a couple of significant usability comments I’ve had. Specifically: There are now links to expand/collapse all nodes, and There is a new query string parameter, depth, which allows… Continue reading Optimal OPML Browser Update v. 0.4pre1 to OPML + Mash

I’ve still got some work to do, so this is just a “hey, it works” sort of post. John Tropea posted last week about an OPML hack for to which I responded with a more dynamic example and to which another reader asked, “Why bother?” Fair enough quesiton, and here’s a better answer by… Continue reading to OPML + Mash

The Firefox "Memory Leak" That’s Really a Feature (Or Vice Versa)

According to Inside Firefox – The Inside Track on Firefox Development: For those who remain concerned, here’s how the feature works. Firefox has a preference browser.sessionhistory.max_total_viewers which by default is set to -1. When set to this value, Firefox calculates the amount of memory in the system, according to this breakdown: RAM Number of Cached… Continue reading The Firefox "Memory Leak" That’s Really a Feature (Or Vice Versa)

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