Why I Listen

Thank you, Jason Calacanis, for helping me realize why I listen to the Gillmor Gang podcast despite the many things I dislike about it.

What I don't like: six minutes of introductory commercials; conversations that meander down dead ends; the sound quality; Steve Gillmor bullying the other Gangsters. (Maybe bullying isn't the right word, and maybe the bullying is good natured. I don't know Steve Gillmor, so I can't say. All I know is that it sounds tense, and it makes me feel tense.)

Why I listen: the golden nuggets.

Like Jason said in the most recent Gillmor Gang podcast, every show includes at least a couple golden nuggets of insight or well-crystallized analysis. Something illuminating.

And that's worth the price of admission (but thank goodness for fast-forward -- sorry, EarthLink).