Delete Empty Folders

I recently found that I had a lot of empty folders in my MP3 folder after a wayward ripping session. So I whipped up this quick DOS one-liner to remove all empty folders. From a command prompt, just change to the folder containing all the empty folders and enter the following: FOR /f "tokens=*" %G… Continue reading Delete Empty Folders

XMPP vCard Python Script

Couldn’t find a script to update my Jabber/XMPP vCard photo (a/k/a avatar), so I wrote one. It requires xmpppy (a/k/a python-xmpp). It should work with gTalk, but I have not tested it. Credit to pastebin for some code snippets. Hope this saves someone some time and effort. #!/usr/bin/python ”’ – Update your XMPP vcard photo… Continue reading XMPP vCard Python Script

On Bootstrapping

On Friday, Dave Winer released a terrific thought-piece-of-a-podcast on how journalists need to learn about bootstraps. In his most recent podcast with NYU’s Jay Rosen, he and Jay discussed the topic, as well, but I want to focus on bootstrapping, the metaphor. Dave offered the well-worn phrase “haul yourself up by your bootstraps” as the… Continue reading On Bootstrapping

IQ Test Results

If I got 10 out of 10 correct, then I guess 146 is the upper limit on IQs? Don't I get extra credit for getting my “IQ” without forking over my cell number?

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Twitter-Speak at BearHugCamp

After a fairly testy exchange at BearHugCamp this morning among Steve Gillmor, Dustin Sallings (twitterspy and IdentiSpy bot creator), a few audience members and the guys at Twitter, Alex Payne actually gave a very clear statement about the lengths to which Twitter was willing to go to aide developers in building upon and extending Twitter.… Continue reading Twitter-Speak at BearHugCamp