FTP Upstream Script Update

Earlier this week, I quietly released a revision to my ftpUpstream script for the OPML Editor. Details are available and comments or questions should be posted here. The main change was to add a prompt-based method for obtaining user settings instead of requiring the user to manually edit the OPML Editor database.

Yabfog Tools Update

I’ve updated Yabfog Tools for the OPML Editor. It’s a minor update to turn off the automatic re-installation of the new conversions since this is no longer necessary with the new updating procedure in the OPML Editor. As of this version, no changes are made to your OPML Editor setup after installation of Yabfog Tools… Continue reading Yabfog Tools Update

OPML Renderer Update

Version 0.6 of the OPML Renderer Plugin for WordPress has been released. This release primarily fixes some bugs and enhances some functions. In the works for the next release is inclusion of RSS feeds, which would enable feed grazing.

Statement of Purpose

There is no particular purpose to this blog other than to give me a chance to play around with the technology. I enjoy toying with technology, software, etc., and I’ve been fooling with creating websites since the first days of the Mosaic browser. Only one of these endeavors has led to anything fruitful — iNonsense,… Continue reading Statement of Purpose