OPML Editor Conversion Updates

I've added some conversions to the OPML Editor:

  • Convert a NewsGator file
  • Convert a FeedDemon file
  • Import Bloglines, NewsGator, RSS Bandit and SharpReader OPML via URL


Refer instead to my new tool: yabfogTools.root.

Download dotOpmlSuite.formatConversions.fttb and open it in the OPML Editor. You should be prompted for the location of the script -- just select "OK" and it should be imported automatically.

Update: Unfortunately, every time you update the dotOpml.root file, these will get wiped out. I guess I need a smarter solution.

You'll likely also want to download this revised menus.menubar.ftmb to add the new converters to the menu.

I'm especially interested in thoughts anyone may have about how I've handled the Signed UTF-8 used by NewsGator and FeedDemon, as well as the UTF-8 to ANSI transcoding.