Fixed the TrackBack ping function in e107. The plugin doesn't create all the database fields, so manually add the field 'trackback_blogname' as the last field (I made it type VARCHAR(150)) in the 'e107_trackback' table of your database.
Here's the offending code in e107_plugins/trackback/plugin.php:
// List of sql requests to create tables -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$eplug_tables = array(
"CREATE TABLE ".MPREFIX."trackback (
trackback_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
trackback_pid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
trackback_title varchar(200) NOT NULL default '',
trackback_excerpt varchar(250) NOT NULL default '',
trackback_url varchar(150) NOT NULL default '',
PRIMARY KEY (trackback_id)
It should read as follows:
// List of sql requests to create tables -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$eplug_tables = array(
"CREATE TABLE ".MPREFIX."trackback (
trackback_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
trackback_pid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
trackback_title varchar(200) NOT NULL default '',
trackback_excerpt varchar(250) NOT NULL default '',
trackback_url varchar(150) NOT NULL default '',
<strong> trackback_blogname varchar(150) NOT NULL default '',</strong>
PRIMARY KEY (trackback_id)
[core] TrackBank Ping FixResolution Fixed
Status Closed
Developer Comments Fixed in CVS – jalist (thanks for the fix)